On This Page

  • React
  • Migration Guide

Migration Guide

If you are coming from an earlier version of wagmi, you will need to make sure to update the following APIs listed below.

0.11.x Breaking changes


Not ready to migrate yet? You can find the 0.10.x docs here.

Upgrade to typescript@>=4.9.4

TypeScript 5.0 is coming soon and has some great features we are excited to bring into wagmi. To prepare for this, update your TypeScript version to 4.9.4 or higher. There are likely no breaking changes if you are coming from typescript@4.7.x || typescript@4.8.x.

0.10.x Breaking changes


Not ready to migrate yet? You can find the 0.9.x docs here.


The useSigner hook now always returns undefined when no signer is present. Previously, it returned null or undefined.

When no signer is present, the hook will be in an "idle" status.

0.9.x Breaking changes


Not ready to migrate yet? You can find the 0.8.x docs here.

Chain exports

With the introduction of the wagmi/chains entrypoint, wagmi no longer exports the following:

  • chain
  • allChains
  • defaultChains
  • defaultL2Chains
  • chainId
  • etherscanBlockExplorers
  • alchemyRpcUrls, infuraRpcUrls, publicRpcUrls

Read below for migration steps.

Removed chain

The chain export has been removed. wagmi now only exports the mainnet & goerli chains. If you need to use an alternative chain (polygon, optimism, etc), you will need to import it from the wagmi/chains entrypoint.

import {
- chain
} from 'wagmi'
+ import { mainnet, polygon, optimism } from 'wagmi/chains'
const { ... } = configureChains(
- [chain.mainnet, chain.polygon, chain.optimism],
+ [mainnet, polygon, optimism],

Removed allChains

The allChains export has been removed. If you need a list of all chains, you can utilize wagmi/chains entrypoint.

- import { allChains } from 'wagmi'
+ import * as allChains from 'wagmi/chains'
const { ... } = configureChains(allChains, ...)

Removed defaultChains & defaultL2Chains

The defaultChains & defaultL2Chains exports have been removed. If you still need the defaultChains or defaultL2Chains exports, you can build them yourself:

- import { defaultChains } from 'wagmi'
+ import { mainnet, goerli } from 'wagmi/chains'
+ const defaultChains = [mainnet, goerli]

The defaultChains export was previously populated with mainnet & goerli.

- import { defaultL2Chains } from 'wagmi'
+ import {
+   arbitrum,
+   arbitrumGoerli,
+   polygon,
+   polygonMumbai,
+   optimism,
+   optimismGoerli
+ } from 'wagmi/chains'
+ const defaultL2Chains = [
+  arbitrum,
+  arbitrumGoerli,
+  polygon,
+  polygonMumbai,
+  optimism
+  optimismGoerli
+ ]

The defaultL2Chains export was previously populated with arbitrum & optimism.

Removed chainId

The chainId export has been removed. You can extract a chain ID from the chain itself.

- import { chainId } from 'wagmi'
+ import { mainnet, polygon, optimism } from 'wagmi/chains'
-const mainnetChainId = chainId.mainnet
-const polygonChainId = chainId.polygon
-const optimismChainId = chainId.optimism
+const mainnetChainId = mainnet.id
+const polygonChainId = polygon.id
+const optimismChainId = optimism.id

Removed etherscanBlockExplorers

The etherscanBlockExplorers export has been removed. You can extract a block explorer from the chain itself.

- import { etherscanBlockExplorers } from 'wagmi'
+ import { mainnet, polygon, optimism } from 'wagmi/chains'
-const mainnetEtherscanBlockExplorer = etherscanBlockExplorers.mainnet
-const polygonEtherscanBlockExplorer = etherscanBlockExplorers.polygon
-const optimismEtherscanBlockExplorer = etherscanBlockExplorers.optimism
+const mainnetEtherscanBlockExplorer = mainnet.blockExplorers.default
+const polygonEtherscanBlockExplorer = polygon.blockExplorers.default
+const optimismEtherscanBlockExplorer = optimism.blockExplorers.default

Removed alchemyRpcUrls, infuraRpcUrls & publicRpcUrls

The alchemyRpcUrls, infuraRpcUrls & publicRpcUrls exports have been removed. You can extract a RPC URL from the chain itself.

- import { alchemyRpcUrls, infuraRpcUrls, publicRpcUrls } from 'wagmi'
+ import { mainnet } from 'wagmi/chains'
-const mainnetAlchemyRpcUrl = alchemyRpcUrls.mainnet
-const mainnetInfuraRpcUrl = infuraRpcUrls.mainnet
-const mainnetOptimismRpcUrl = publicRpcUrls.mainnet
+const mainnetAlchemyRpcUrl = mainnet.rpcUrls.alchemy
+const mainnetInfuraRpcUrl = mainnet.rpcUrls.infura
+const mainnetOptimismRpcUrl = mainnet.rpcUrls.optimism

Chain type


The rpcUrls shape has changed to include an array of URLs, and also the transport method (http or webSocket):

type Chain = {
  rpcUrls: {
-   [key: string]: string
+   [key: string]: {
+     http: string[]
+     webSocket: string[]
+   }

Note that you will also need to ensure that usage is migrated:

- const rpcUrl = mainnet.rpcUrls.alchemy
+ const rpcUrl = mainnet.rpcUrls.alchemy.http[0]


The multicall and ens attributes have been moved into the contracts object:

type Contract = {
  address: Address
  blockCreated?: number
type Chain = {
- multicall: Contract
- ens: Contract
+ contracts: {
+   multicall3: Contract
+   ensRegistry: Contract
+ }

Note that you will also need to ensure that usage is migrated:

- const multicallContract = mainnet.multicall
+ const multicallContract = mainnet.contracts.multicall3


Behavioral changes

useEnsResolver's result is no longer persisted by the query client since it cannot serialize its prototype methods.

Configuration changes

Removed the cacheTime and staleTime config options.

const { data } = useEnsResolver({
  name: 'wagmi-dev.eth',
- cacheTime: 2000,
- staleTime: 2000,


Behavioral changes

useWaitForTransaction will now return an error (and invoke the onError callback) if the transaction has been reverted or cancelled.

Configuration changes

Removed the wait config option on useWaitForTransaction. Use the transaction hash instead.

const { data } = useWaitForTransaction({
- wait: transaction.wait,
+ hash: transaction.hash,

0.8.x Breaking changes


Not ready to migrate yet? You can find the 0.7.x docs here.

CommonJS Support Dropped

wagmi no longer supports CommonJS and only supports ES Modules. If you are using modern tooling, like Next.js, Vite, or Vitest, you likely don't need to do anything! Remix and Jest require some additional configuration. Check out this guide for more info on ESM support and Frequently Asked Questions across various tools and setups.

Deprecated chains removed

Removed the following deprecated chains:

  • ropsten
  • rinkeby
  • kovan
  • optimismKovan
  • arbitrumRinkeby

If you feel you still need to include one of these testnets in your application, you will have to define it manually:

-import { chain } from 'wagmi'
+import { Chain } from 'wagmi'
-export const rinkeby = chain.rinkeby
+export const rinkeby: Chain = {
+ id: 4,
+ name: 'Rinkeby',
+ network: 'rinkeby',
+ nativeCurrency: { name: 'Rinkeby Ether', symbol: 'ETH', decimals: 18 },
+ rpcUrls: {
+   alchemy: 'https://eth-rinkeby.alchemyapi.io/v2',
+   default: 'https://rpc.ankr.com/eth_rinkeby',
+   infura: 'https://rinkeby.infura.io/v3',
+   public: 'https://rpc.ankr.com/eth_rinkeby',
+  },
+ blockExplorers: {
+   etherscan: 'https://rinkeby.etherscan.io',
+   default: 'https://rinkeby.etherscan.io',
+ },
+ ens: {
+   address: '0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997BA6C7d2e1e',
+ },
+ multicall: {
+   address: '0xca11bde05977b3631167028862be2a173976ca11',
+   blockCreated: 10299530,
+ },
+ testnet: true,

You can reference these removed chains here.


Made apiKey required on alchemyProvider.

import { configureChains } from 'wagmi'
const config = configureChains(defaultChains, [
- alchemyProvider(),
+ alchemyProvider({ apiKey: process.env.ALCHEMY_API_KEY })

You can find your Alchemy API key from the Alchemy Dashboard, or your Infura API key from the Infura Dashboard.


Made apiKey required on infuraProvider.

import { configureChains } from 'wagmi'
const config = configureChains(defaultChains, [
- infuraProvider(),
+ infuraProvider({ apiKey: process.env.INFURA_API_KEY })

You can find your Infura API key from the Infura Dashboard, or your Infura API key from the Infura Dashboard.


Configuration changes

addressOrName renamed to address.

const result = useBalance({
- addressOrName: '0x…',
+ address: '0x…',

If you were using an ENS name instead of an address, you can resolve the name to an address before passing it to the action. This allows the ENS-to-address resolution to be cached instead of being wasted work before.

+ const { data: address } = useEnsAddress({ name: 'example.eth' })
const result = useBalance({
- addressOrName: 'example.eth',
+ address,


Configuration changes

addressOrName renamed to address.

const result = useEnsAvatar({
- addressOrName: '0x…',
+ address: '0x…',

If you were using an ENS name instead of an address, you can resolve the name to an address before passing it to the action. This allows the ENS-to-address resolution to be cached instead of being wasted work before.

+ const { data: address } = useEnsAddress({ name: 'example.eth' })
const result = useEnsAvatar({
- addressOrName: 'example.eth',
+ address,

0.7.x Breaking changes


Not ready to migrate yet? You can find the 0.6.x docs here.

Upgrade to typescript@>=4.7.4

wagmi can now infer types based on ABI and EIP-712 Typed Data definitions, giving you full end-to-end type-safety from your contracts to your frontend and incredible developer experience (e.g. autocomplete ABI function names and catch misspellings, type ABI function arguments, etc.).

For this to work, you must upgrade to typescript@>=4.7.4. Why is TypeScript v4.7.4 or greater necessary? TypeScript 4.7.4 introduced the ability to extend constraints on inferred type variables, which is used extensively to help narrow types for ABIs. Good news! When upgrading TypeScript from 4.6 to 4.7 there are likely no breaking changes for your set up.

See the wagmi TypeScript docs for more information on TypeScript support in this version.

When switching over to inferring types based on your ABIs, you may notice TypeScript complaining about types that worked fine before. For example, Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'BigNumber'. Previously, you were able to use string types in place of BigNumber types, BigNumber types in place of number types, etc.

The types inferred directly from ABIs are more correct and strict so you will need to convert your types to match. This should be pretty straightforward by following the error from TypeScript. Based on the error above, args: ['123'] should be updated to args: [BigNumber.from('123')].

addressOrName and contractInterface renamed for contract hooks

addressOrName and contractInterface renamed to address and abi respectively for the following contract hooks: useContract, useContractEvent, useContractRead, useContractReads, useContractInfiniteReads, useContractWrite, and usePrepareContractWrite.

import { useContractRead } from 'wagmi'
const result = useContractRead({
- addressOrName: '0x…',
+ address: '0x…',
- contractInterface: […],
+ abi: […],
  functionName: 'balanceOf',
  args: ['0x…'],

If you were using an ENS name instead of an address, you can resolve the name to an address before passing it to the action.

- import { useContractRead } from 'wagmi'
+ import { useContractRead, useEnsAddress } from 'wagmi'
+ const { data: address } = useEnsAddress({ name: 'example.eth' })
const result = useContractRead({
- addressOrName: 'example.eth',
+ address,
  abi: […],
  functionName: 'balanceOf',
  args: ['0x…'],

args type changed for contract hooks

args config option must now be an array for the following hooks: useContractRead, useContractWrite, usePrepareContractWrite, useContractReads, and useContractInfiniteReads.

const { data } = useContractRead({
  address: '0x…',
  abi: […],
  functionName: 'balanceOf',
- args: '0x…',
+ args: ['0x…'],


Configuration changes

signerOrProvider was removed.


Configuration changes

Updated paginatedIndexesConfig fn parameter return type. fn now returns an array instead of a single object.

  cacheKey: 'contracts',
-    (index) => ({
+    (index) => [{
      address: '0x…',
      abi: […],
      functionName: 'tokenURI',
      args: [BigNumber.from(index)] as const,
-    }),
+    }],
    { start: 0, perPage: 10, direction: 'increment' },


Behavioral changes

Throws an error when a chainId is specified and the end-user is on a different chain id (the wrong network). If you wish to defer this check until the click handler is pressed, you can place the chainId in useContractWrite instead.


Behavioral changes

  • The usePrepareSendTransaction hook will now only run when the end-user is connected to their wallet. This is to reach parity with usePrepareContractWrite. If the end-user is not connected, then the usePrepareSendTransaction hook will remain idle.
  • Throws an error when a chainId is specified and the end-user is on a different chain id (the wrong network). If you wish to defer this check until the click handler is pressed, you can place chainId in useContractWrite instead.

0.6.x Breaking changes


Not ready to migrate yet? You can find the 0.5.x docs here.

All the breaking changes in this release are related to the introduction of Prepare Hooks. It is recommended to read the Prepare Hooks section before migrating to 0.6.x.



Not ready to migrate to the new useContractWrite yet? You can use the useDeprecatedContractWrite hook.

Behavioral changes

If a chainId is passed to useContractWrite, it will no longer attempt to switch chain before sending the transaction. Instead, it will throw an error if the user is on the wrong chain.

Why? Eagerly prompting to switch chain in these actions created a long-running async task that makes iOS App Links vulnerable.

Configuration changes

The configuration passed to the useContractWrite hook now needs to be either:

Why? To avoid long-running asynchronous tasks in event handlers. Read more about Prepare Hooks.

Prepared usage

+const { config } = usePrepareContractWrite({
+ addressOrName: '0x...',
+ contractInterface: wagmiAbi,
+ functionName: 'mint',
+ args: [tokenId]
const { data } = useContractWrite({
- addressOrName: '0x...',
- contractInterface: wagmiAbi,
- functionName: 'mint',
- args: [tokenId],
+ ...config

Recklessly unprepared usage

If you are not ready to upgrade to usePrepareContractWrite, it is possible to use useContractWrite without preparing the configuration first by passing mode: 'recklesslyUnprepared'.

const { data } = useContractWrite({
+ mode: 'recklesslyUnprepared',
  addressOrName: '0x...',
  contractInterface: wagmiAbi,
  functionName: 'mint',
  args: [tokenId],

Return value changes

data now only returns hash & wait

data now returns an object only consisting of hash & wait, and not the full TransactionResponse.

If you require the full TransactionResponse, you can use useTransaction:

const {
  data: {
-   ...transaction
} = useContractWrite(...)
+const { data: transaction } = useTransaction({ hash })

Why? The old implementation of useContractWrite created a long-running async task, causing UX pitfalls when invoked in a click handler.

write/writeAsync arguments

The write/writeAsync configuration object has now been altered to only accept "reckless" configuration. If one or more of these values are set, it can lead to UX pitfalls.

  onClick={() => {
-     args: [1],
-     overrides: { from: '0x...' }
+     recklesslySetUnpreparedArgs: [1],
+     recklesslySetUnpreparedOverrides: '0x...'

write/writeAsync can be undefined

When useContractWrite is in "prepare mode" (used with usePrepareContractWrite), write/writeAsync will be undefined until the configuration has been prepared. Ensure that your usage reflects this.

const { config } = usePrepareContractWrite({ ... })
const { write } = useContractWrite(config)
  onClick={() => write?.()}



Not ready to migrate to the new useSendTransaction yet? You can use the useDeprecatedSendTransaction hook.

Behavioral changes

If a chainId is passed to useSendTransaction, it will no longer attempt to switch chain before sending the transaction. Instead, it will throw an error if the user is on the wrong chain.

Why? Eagerly prompting to switch chain in these actions created a long-running async task that makes iOS App Links vulnerable.

Configuration changes

The configuration passed to the useSendTransaction hook now needs to be either:

Why? To avoid long-running asynchronous tasks in event handlers. Read more about Prepare Hooks.

Prepared usage

import { usePrepareSendTransaction, useSendTransaction } from 'wagmi'
+const { config } = usePrepareSendTransaction({
+  request: {
+    to: 'moxey.eth',
+    value: parseEther('1'),
+  }
const { data } = useSendTransaction({
- request: {
-   to: 'moxey.eth',
-   value: parseEther('1')
- }
+ ...config

Recklessly unprepared usage

If you are not ready to upgrade to usePrepareSendTransaction, it is possible to use useSendTransaction without preparing the configuration first by passing mode: 'recklesslyUnprepared'.

import { useSendTransaction } from 'wagmi'
const { data } = useSendTransaction({
+ mode: 'recklesslyUnprepared',
  request: {
    to: 'moxey.eth',
    value: parseEther('1'),

Return value changes

data now only returns hash & wait

data now returns an object only consisting of hash & wait, and not the full TransactionResponse.

If you require the full TransactionResponse, you can use useTransaction:

const {
  data: {
-   ...transaction
} = useSendTransaction(...)
+const { data: transaction } = useTransaction({ hash })

Why? The old implementation of useSendTransaction created a long-running async task, causing UX pitfalls when invoked in a click handler.

sendTransaction/sendTransactionAsync arguments

The sendTransaction/sendTransactionAsync configuration object has now been altered to only accept "reckless" configuration. If one or more of these values are set, it can lead to UX pitfalls.

  onClick={() => {
-     request: {
+     recklesslySetUnpreparedRequest:
        to: 'moxey.eth',
        value: parseEther('1')

sendTransaction/sendTransactionAsync can be undefined

When useSendTransaction is in "prepare mode" (used with usePrepareSendTransaction), sendTransaction/sendTransactionAsync will be undefined until the configuration has been prepared. Ensure that your usage reflects this.

const { config } = usePrepareSendTransaction({ ... })
const { sendTransaction } = useSendTransaction(config)
  onClick={() => sendTransaction?.()}

alchemyProvider and infuraProvider

alchemyProvider and infuraProvider now use a generic apiKey configuration option instead of alchemyId and infuraId.

import { alchemyProvider } from 'wagmi/providers/alchemy'
import { infuraProvider } from 'wagmi/providers/infura'
-  alchemyId: 'yourAlchemyApiKey',
+  apiKey: 'yourAlchemyApiKey',
-  infuraId: 'yourInfuraApiKey',
+  apiKey: 'yourInfuraApiKey',

0.5.x Breaking changes


Not ready to migrate yet? You can find the 0.4.x docs here.


The client prop is now required on WagmiConfig.

import {
+ configureChains,
+ defaultChains
} from 'wagmi'
+import { publicProvider } from 'wagmi/providers/public'
+const { provider, webSocketProvider } = configureChains(defaultChains, [
+ publicProvider(),
+const client = createClient({
+ provider,
+ webSocketProvider,
function App() {
  return (
+     client={client}
      <YourRoutes />


provider is now required

The provider config option is now required on createClient. It is recommended to pass the provider given from configureChains.

import {
+ defaultChains,
+ configureChains
} from 'wagmi'
+import { publicProvider } from 'wagmi/providers/publicProvider'
+const { provider } = configureChains(defaultChains, [
+ publicProvider
const client = createClient({
+ provider

If you previously used an ethers.js Provider, you now need to provide your chains on the Provider instance:

import {
+ defaultChains
} from 'wagmi'
import ethers from 'ethers'
const client = createClient({
- provider: getDefaultProvider()
+ provider: Object.assign(getDefaultProvider(), { chains: defaultChains })

chainId removed from connectors

Removed the chainId parameter from connectors function on createClient.

const client = createClient({
- connectors({ chainId }) {
+ connectors() {

If you previously derived RPC URLs from the chainId on connectors, you can now remove that logic as wagmi now handles RPC URLs internally when used with configureChains.

import {
+  configureChains,
} from 'wagmi';
+import { publicProvider } from 'wagmi/providers/public'
import { CoinbaseWalletConnector } from 'wagmi/connectors/coinbaseWallet'
import { InjectedConnector } from 'wagmi/connectors/injected'
import { MetaMaskConnector } from 'wagmi/connectors/metaMask'
import { WalletConnectConnector } from 'wagmi/connectors/walletConnect'
+const { chains } = configureChains(
+  [chain.mainnet],
+  [publicProvider()]
const client = createClient({
-  connectors({ chainId }) {
-    const chain = chains.find((x) => x.id === chainId) ?? defaultChain
-    const rpcUrl = chain.rpcUrls.alchemy
-      ? `${chain.rpcUrls.alchemy}/${alchemyId}`
-      : chain.rpcUrls.default
-    return [
+  connectors: [
    new MetaMaskConnector({ chains }),
    new CoinbaseWalletConnector({
      options: {
        appName: 'wagmi',
-       chainId: chain.id,
-       jsonRpcUrl: rpcUrl,
    new WalletConnectConnector({
      options: {
        qrcode: true,
-       rpc: { [chain.id]: rpcUrl },
    new InjectedConnector({
      options: { name: 'Injected' },
-  },


Return value changes

The data value is now address & connector

- data?: {
-   address: string
-   connector: Connector
- }
+ address?: string
+ connector?: Connector

Global connection status values have been added

The following global connection status values have been added:

+ isConnecting: boolean
+ isReconnecting: boolean
+ isConnected: boolean
+ isDisconnected: boolean
+ status: 'connecting' | 'reconnecting' | 'connected' | 'disconnected'

The useAccount hook is now aware of any connection event in your application, so now you can use these connection status values to determine if your user is connected, disconnected or connecting to a wallet on a global scope.

error, states & refetch values have been removed

Since the useAccount hook never dealt with asynchronous data, all of these values were redundant & unused.

- error?: Error
- isIdle: boolean
- isLoading: boolean
- isFetching: boolean
- isSuccess: boolean
- isError: boolean
- isFetched: boolean
- isRefetching: boolean
- refetch: (options: {
-   throwOnError: boolean
-   cancelRefetch: boolean
- }) => Promise<{
-   address: string
-   connector: Connector
- }>
- status: 'idle' | 'error' | 'loading' | 'success'

Summary of changes

Below is the whole diff of changes to the useAccount return value.

- data?: {
-   address: string
-   connector: Connector
- }
+ address?: string
+ connector?: Connector
- error?: Error
- isIdle: boolean
- isLoading: boolean
- isFetching: boolean
- isSuccess: boolean
- isError: boolean
- isFetched: boolean
- isRefetching: boolean
+ isConnecting: boolean
+ isReconnecting: boolean
+ isConnected: boolean
+ isDisconnected: boolean
- refetch: (options: {
-   throwOnError: boolean
-   cancelRefetch: boolean
- }) => Promise<{
-   address: string
-   connector: Connector
- }>
- status: 'idle' | 'error' | 'loading' | 'success'
+ status: 'connecting' | 'reconnecting' | 'connected' | 'disconnected'

Configuration changes

onConnect has been added

The onConnect callback is invoked when the account connects.

It provides the connected address & connector, as well as a isReconnected flag for if the user reconnected via autoConnect.

const account = useAccount({
  onConnect({ address, connector, isReconnected }) {

onDisconnect has been added

The onDisconnect callback is invoked when the account disconnected.

const account = useAccount({
  onDisconnect() {

suspense has been removed

The useAccount hook is a synchronous hook – so suspense never worked.

const account = useAccount({
-  suspense: true,

onError has been removed

The useAccount hook never had any error definitions – so onError was never invoked.

const account = useAccount({
- onError(error) {
-   console.log('Error', error)
- },

onSettled has been removed

The useAccount hook is a synchronous hook. onSettled was always invoked immediately.

const account = useAccount({
- onSettled(data) {
-   console.log('Settled', data)
- },

If you used onSettled, you can move the code beneath the useAccount hook:

const account = useAccount({
- onSettled(data) {
-   console.log('Address:', data.address)
- },
+ console.log('Address:', account.address)

onSuccess has been removed

The useAccount hook is a synchronous hook. onSuccess was always invoked immediately.

const account = useAccount({
- onSuccess(data) {
-   console.log('Success', data)
- },

If you used onSuccess, you can move the code beneath the useAccount hook:

const account = useAccount({
- onSuccess(data) {
-   console.log('Address:', data.address)
- },
+ console.log('Address:', account.address)


Return value changes

Connection status flags have been moved

The isConnected, isConnecting, isReconnecting & isDisconnected flags have been moved to the useAccount hook.

-import { useConnect } from 'wagmi'
+import { useAccount } from 'wagmi'
function App() {
  const {
- } = useConnect()
+ } = useAccount()

New connect mutation status flags have been added

The isLoading, isSuccess and isError flags have been added to useConnect.

These flags represent the local async state of useConnect.

activeConnector has been removed

The activeConnector value has been removed. You can find the active connector on useAccount.

-import { useConnect } from 'wagmi'
+import { useAccount } from 'wagmi'
function App() {
- const { activeConnector } = useConnect()
+ const { connector } = useAccount()

connector parameter on connect & connectAsync has been removed

The connector parameter on connect & connectAsync now has to be in the config object parameter shape.

import { useConnect } from 'wagmi'
function App() {
  const { connect, connectors } = useConnect()
  return (
-     onClick={() => connect(connectors[0])}
+     onClick={() => connect({ connector: connectors[0] })}

Configuration changes

onBeforeConnect has been renamed

The onBeforeConnect callback has been renamed to onMutate

onConnect has been renamed

The onConnect callback has been renamed to onSuccess


The useContractRead hook parameters have been consolidated into a singular config parameter.


    addressOrName: wagmigotchiContractAddress,
    contractInterface: wagmigotchiABI,
  { args: '0x27a69ffba1e939ddcfecc8c7e0f967b872bac65c' },


  addressOrName: wagmigotchiContractAddress,
  contractInterface: wagmigotchiABI,
  functionName: 'love',
  args: '0x27a69ffba1e939ddcfecc8c7e0f967b872bac65c',


The useContractWrite hook parameters have been consolidated into a singular config parameter.


    addressOrName: mlootContractAddress,
    contractInterface: mlootABI,


  addressOrName: mlootContractAddress,
  contractInterface: mlootABI,
  functionName: 'claim',


The useContractEvent hook parameters have been consolidated into a singular config parameter.


    addressOrName: uniContractAddress,
    contractInterface: erc20ABI,


  addressOrName: uniContractAddress,
  contractInterface: erc20ABI,
  eventName: 'Transfer',


The "switch network" functionality has been moved out of useNetwork into a new useSwitchNetwork hook.

The useNetwork hook now accepts no configuration and only returns chain (renamed from activeChain) and chains.

import {
+ useSwitchNetwork
} from 'wagmi'
const {
- activeChain
+ chain,
- data,
- error,
- isError,
- isIdle,
- isLoading,
- isSuccess,
- pendingChainId,
- switchNetwork,
- switchNetworkAsync,
- status,
- reset,
-} = useNetwork({
- chainId: 69,
- onError(error) {},
- onMutate(args) {},
- onSettled(data, error) {},
- onSuccess(data) {}
+} = useNetwork()
+const {
+ chains,
+ data,
+ error,
+ isError,
+ isIdle,
+ isLoading,
+ isSuccess,
+ pendingChainId,
+ switchNetwork,
+ switchNetworkAsync,
+ status,
+ reset,
+} = useSwitchNetwork({
+ chainId: 69,
+ onError(error) {},
+ onMutate(args) {},
+ onSettled(data, error) {},
+ onSuccess(data) {}

Connector getProvider

Connectors getProvider method no longer supports the create config parameter. Use the chainId config option instead to force create a new provider.

0.4.x Breaking changes


Not ready to migrate yet? You can find the 0.3.x docs here.


Passing a function to createClient connectors has now been deprecated.

If you previously derived an RPC URL from the chainId in connectors, you will need to migrate to use the configureChains API.


import { providers } from 'ethers'
import { Provider, chain, createClient, defaultChains } from 'wagmi'
import { CoinbaseWalletConnector } from 'wagmi/connectors/coinbaseWallet'
import { InjectedConnector } from 'wagmi/connectors/injected'
import { MetaMaskConnector } from 'wagmi/connectors/metaMask'
import { WalletConnectConnector } from 'wagmi/connectors/walletConnect'
const alchemyId = process.env.ALCHEMY_ID
const chains = defaultChains
const defaultChain = chain.mainnet
const client = createClient({
  autoConnect: true,
  connectors({ chainId }) {
    const chain = chains.find((x) => x.id === chainId) ?? defaultChain
    const rpcUrl = chain.rpcUrls.alchemy
      ? `${chain.rpcUrls.alchemy}/${alchemyId}`
      : chain.rpcUrls.default
    return [
      new MetaMaskConnector({ chains }),
      new CoinbaseWalletConnector({
        options: {
          appName: 'wagmi',
          chainId: chain.id,
          jsonRpcUrl: rpcUrl,
      new WalletConnectConnector({
        options: {
          qrcode: true,
          rpc: { [chain.id]: rpcUrl },
      new InjectedConnector({
        options: {
          name: 'Injected',
          shimDisconnect: true,


import { Provider, chain, createClient, defaultChains } from 'wagmi'
import { alchemyProvider } from 'wagmi/providers/alchemy'
import { publicProvider } from 'wagmi/providers/public'
import { CoinbaseWalletConnector } from 'wagmi/connectors/coinbaseWallet'
import { InjectedConnector } from 'wagmi/connectors/injected'
import { MetaMaskConnector } from 'wagmi/connectors/metaMask'
import { WalletConnectConnector } from 'wagmi/connectors/walletConnect'
const alchemyId = process.env.ALCHEMY_ID
const { chains } = configureChains(defaultChains, [
  alchemyProvider({ alchemyId }),
const client = createClient({
  autoConnect: true,
  connectors: [
    new MetaMaskConnector({ chains }),
    new CoinbaseWalletConnector({
      options: {
        appName: 'wagmi',
    new WalletConnectConnector({
      options: {
        qrcode: true,
    new InjectedConnector({
      options: {
        name: 'Injected',
        shimDisconnect: true,

Duplicate named exports were removed

Duplicate exports with different names and the same functionality were removed to simplify the public API. In addition, confusing exports were renamed to be more descriptive.

  • createWagmiClient alias was removed. Use createClient instead.
  • useWagmiClient alias was removed. Use useClient instead.
  • WagmiClient alias was removed. Use Client instead.
  • createWagmiStorage alias was removed. Use createStorage instead.
  • Provider was renamed and WagmiProvider alias is now deprecated. Use WagmiConfig instead.

0.3.x Breaking changes


Not ready to migrate yet? You can find the 0.2.x docs here.


The Provider component no longer supports configuration directly as props. You will now need to create a wagmi Client via createClient, and then pass the client to Provider:


import { Provider } from 'wagmi'
function App() {
  return (
    <Provider autoConnect connectors={connectors} provider={provider}>
      <YourRoutes />


import { Provider, createClient } from 'wagmi'
const client = createClient({
  autoConnect: true,
function App() {
  return (
    <Provider client={client}>
      <YourRoutes />

Hooks now return a singular object

All hooks in wagmi now return a single object instead of an array pair.


const [{ data, loading, error }, disconnect] = useAccount()


const { data, isLoading, error } = useAccount()

Declarative getters > imperative getters

Getter functions such as getBalance, getBlockNumber, read, etc have been removed in favor of hook parameters / refetch. The refetch function does not accept arguments/config, so you will need to restructure your components more declaratively.


import { useBalance } from 'wagmi'
function Example() {
  const [address, setAddress] = useState<string>('')
  const [{ data }, getBalance] = useBalance({
    skip: true,
  return (
      Get balance:
      <input onChange={(e) => setAddress(e.target.value)} value={address} />
      <button onClick={() => getBalance({ addressOrName: address })}>


import { useContractRead } from 'wagmi'
function Example() {
  const [address, setAddress] = useState<string>('')
  const { data, refetch } = useBalance({
    addressOrName: address,
    enabled: Boolean(address),
  const [value, setValue] = useState<string>('')
  return (
      Get balance:
      <input onChange={(e) => setValue(e.target.value)} value={value} />
        onClick={() => (address === value ? refetch() : setAddress(value))}


  • Now returns a singular object, instead of an array pair
  • fetchEns was removed in favor of keeping useAccount as lightweight as possible. Use useEnsName and useEnsAvatar instead.
  • disconnect was removed. Use useDisconnect instead.


const [{ data, loading, error }, disconnect] = useAccount({ fetchEns: true })


const { data, isLoading, error } = useAccount({ ens: true })
const { data: ensName } = useEnsName()
const { data: ensAvatar } = useEnsAvatar()
const { disconnect } = useDisconnect()


  • Now returns a singular object, instead of an array pair
  • skip is no longer supported. It was repurposed to enabled.
  • getBalance was removed in favor of hook parameters / refetch. Before:
const [{ data, loading, error }, getBalance] = useBalance({ skip: true })


const { data, isLoading, error, refetch } = useBalance({ enabled: false })


  • Now returns a singular object, instead of an array pair
  • skip is no longer supported. It was repurposed to enabled.
  • getBlockNumber was removed in favor of hook parameters / refetch. Before:
const [{ data, loading, error }, getBlockNumber] = useBlockNumber({
  skip: true,


const { data, isLoading, error, refetch } = useBlockNumber({
  enabled: false,


  • Now returns a singular object, instead of an array pair
  • connect is no longer asynchronous. Use connectAsync instead.
  • data.connected no longer exists. Use isConnected instead.
  • data.connectors no longer exists. Use connectors instead.
  • Prefer connector over data.connector Before:
const [{ data, loading, error }, connect] = useConnect()


const { isConnected, connector, connectors, connectAsync } = useConnect()


  • Now returns a singular object, instead of an array pair
  • skip is no longer supported. It was repurposed to enabled.
  • read was removed in favor of hook parameters / refetch. Before:
const [{ data, error, loading }, read] = useContractRead(
    addressOrName: '0xecb504d39723b0be0e3a9aa33d646642d1051ee1',
    contractInterface: wagmigotchiABI,
  { skip: true },


const { data, error, isLoading, refetch } = useContractRead(
    addressOrName: '0xecb504d39723b0be0e3a9aa33d646642d1051ee1',
    contractInterface: wagmigotchiABI,
  { enabled: false },


  • Now returns a singular object, instead of an array pair Before:
const [{ data, error, loading }, write] = useContractWrite(
    addressOrName: '0xecb504d39723b0be0e3a9aa33d646642d1051ee1',
    contractInterface: wagmigotchiABI,


const { data, error, isLoading, write } = useContractWrite(
    addressOrName: '0xecb504d39723b0be0e3a9aa33d646642d1051ee1',
    contractInterface: wagmigotchiABI,


  • Now returns a singular object, instead of an array pair
  • skip is no longer supported. It was repurposed to enabled.
  • getEnsAvatar was removed in favor of hook parameters / refetch. Before:
const [{ data, error, loading }, getEnsAvatar] = useEnsAvatar({
  addressOrName: 'awkweb.eth',
  skip: true,


const { data, error, isLoading, refetch } = useEnsAvatar({
  addressOrName: 'awkweb.eth',
  enabled: false,


  • useEnsLookup was renamed to useEnsName
  • Now returns a singular object, instead of an array pair
  • skip is no longer supported. It was repurposed to enabled.
  • lookupAddress was removed in favor of hook parameters / refetch. Before:
const [{ data, error, loading }, lookupAddress] = useEnsLookup({
  address: '0xA0Cf798816D4b9b9866b5330EEa46a18382f251e',
  skip: true,


const { data, error, isLoading, refetch } = useEnsName({
  address: '0xA0Cf798816D4b9b9866b5330EEa46a18382f251e',
  enabled: false,


  • useEnsResolveName was renamed to useEnsAddress
  • Now returns a singular object, instead of an array pair
  • skip is no longer supported. It was repurposed to enabled.
  • resolveName was removed in favor of hook parameters / refetch. Before:
const [{ data, error, loading }, resolveName] = useEnsResolveName({
  name: 'meagher.eth',
  skip: true,


const { data, error, loading, refetch } = useEnsAddress({
  name: 'meagher.eth',
  enabled: false,


  • Now returns a singular object, instead of an array pair
  • skip is no longer supported. It was repurposed to enabled.
  • getEnsResolver was removed in favor of hook parameters / refetch. Before:
const [{ data, error, loading }, getEnsResolver] = useEnsResolver({
  name: 'awkweb.eth',
  skip: true,


const { data, error, isLoading, refetch } = useEnsResolver({
  name: 'awkweb.eth',
  enabled: false,


  • Now returns a singular object, instead of an array pair
  • skip is no longer supported. It was repurposed to enabled.
  • getFeeData was removed in favor of hook parameters / refetch. Before:
const [{ data, error, loading }, getFeeData] = useFeeData({ skip: true })


const { data, error, isLoading, refetch } = useFeeData({ enabled: false })


  • Now returns a singular object, instead of an array pair
  • data.chain is now activeChain
  • data.chains is now chains
  • switchNetwork now has sync (switchNetwork) and async (switchNetworkAsync) variants. Before:
const [{ data, error, loading }, switchNetwork] = useNetwork()


const { activeChain, chains, data, isLoading, switchNetworkAsync } =


  • Now returns a singular object, instead of an array pair
  • skip is no longer supported.
  • getSigner was removed in favor of refetch Before:
const [{ data, error, loading }, getSigner] = useSigner()


const { data, error, isLoading, refetch } = useSigner()


  • Now returns a singular object, instead of an array pair
  • signMessage now has sync (signMessage) and async (signMessageAsync) variants. Before:
const [{ data, error, loading }, signMessage] = useSignMessage({
  message: 'gm wagmi frens',


const { data, error, isLoading, signMessageAsync } = useSignMessage({
  message: 'gm wagmi frens',


  • Now returns a singular object, instead of an array pair
  • signTypedData now has sync (signTypedData) and async (signTypedDataAsync) variants. Before:
const [{ data, error, loading }, signTypedData] = useSignTypedData({


const { data, error, isLoading, signTypedDataAsync } = useSignTypedData({


  • Now returns a singular object, instead of an array pair
  • skip is no longer supported. It was repurposed to enabled.
  • getToken was removed in favor of hook parameters / refetch. Before:
const [{ data, error, loading }, getToken] = useToken({
  address: '0x1f9840a85d5af5bf1d1762f925bdaddc4201f984',
  skip: true,


const { data, error, isLoading, refetch } = useToken({
  address: '0x1f9840a85d5af5bf1d1762f925bdaddc4201f984',
  enabled: false,


  • useTransaction was renamed to useSendTransaction
  • Now returns a singular object, instead of an array pair
  • sendTransaction now has sync (sendTransaction) and async (sendTransactionAsync) variants. Before:
const [{ data, error, loading }, sendTransaction] = useTransaction({
  request: {
    to: 'awkweb.eth',
    value: parseEther('1'), // 1 ETH


const { data, error, isLoading, sendTransactionAsync } = useSendTransaction({
  request: {
    to: 'awkweb.eth',
    value: parseEther('1'), // 1 ETH


  • Now returns a singular object, instead of an array pair
  • skip is no longer supported. It was repurposed to enabled.
  • wait was removed in favor of hook parameters / refetch. Before:
const [{ data, error, loading }, wait] = useWaitForTransaction({
  hash: '0x5c504ed432cb51138bcf09aa5e8a410dd4a1e204ef84bfed1be16dfba1b22060',
  skip: true,


const { data, error, isLoading, refetch } = useWaitForTransaction({
  hash: '0x5c504ed432cb51138bcf09aa5e8a410dd4a1e204ef84bfed1be16dfba1b22060',
  enabled: false,


connector.getProvider is now asynchronous


const { connector } = useConnect()
const provider = connector.getProvider()


const { connector } = useConnect()
const provider = await connector.getProvider()


The WalletLink connector was replaced with the Coinbase Wallet SDK.


import { WalletLinkConnector } from 'wagmi/connectors/walletLink'
const connector = new WalletLinkConnector({
  options: {
    appName: 'Mirror.xyz',
    jsonRpcUrl: 'https://mainnet.infura.io/v3',


import { CoinbaseWalletConnector } from 'wagmi/connectors/coinbaseWallet'
const connector = new CoinbaseWalletConnector({
  options: {
    appName: 'Mirror.xyz',
    jsonRpcUrl: 'https://mainnet.infura.io/v3',